Work Based Learning
You have secured a Career & Technical Education internship and are taking control of your future.
Intern Professional Guidelines and Safeguards for Behavior and Performance
Internship Professionalism Guidelines:
Schedule and Attendance: Interns should plan for and commit to the schedule they will be keeping with their internship placement during the placement’s standard business hours. Maintaining a reliable schedule with dependable attendance is important.
Attire: Interns should wear attire that is suitable for the placement at which they are interning. This attire may not be the same as what is allowed in the classroom; interns will be expected to follow the company’s policy for attire when at his/her internship. If in doubt, please discuss with your supervisor, Career Development Coordinator, or the Coordinator of Internships
Policies: Interns will be expected to know and follow the policies and procedures outlined in this handbook, and with any applicable policies and procedures of the organization at which they are interning.
Equality and Diversity: Cleveland County Schools is an equal access/equal opportunity institution committed to excellence through diversity in education and employment. CCS complies with all state and federal laws granting rights to students, employees, and applicants for employment. CCS prohibits unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, ethnicity, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status, genetic information or disability in any of its employment policies or practices, educational programs, or activities.
Behavior and Conduct
Communication: Keep your supervisor informed of your progress; talk honestly and professionally with your supervisor if you are experiencing any difficulties. Assure that your Career Development Coordinator and/or Coordinator of Internships are informed of any concerns or difficulties experienced during the internship so that we can assist you in troubleshooting the situation professionally.
Confidentiality: Interns must maintain confidentiality regarding the placement site’s business, customers, clients, and associates; and disclose information only on a “need-to-know” basis for the purpose of completing internship assignments. Specifically, do not name individuals in any context outside internship communication, do not discuss specific concerns regarding internship clientele or staff, and handle hard copies of any internship documentation appropriately (per internship site policy). Breaches in confidentiality and/or “gossip” are to be avoided at all costs.
HIPAA: TheHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act includes several parts, but interns need to know and comply with the Privacy Rule which serves to assure that individuals’ health information is properly protected while allowing the flow of health information needed to provide and promote high quality health care and to protect the public's health and well-being. Strict compliance with all aspects of HIPAA is required of interns.
Accommodations: Students in need of accommodations for a documented disability needed in order to successfully complete assignments need to inform the Internship Coordinator upon initiation of the internship. Placement Site Supervisors will provide reasonable, but not necessarily the exact, accommodation requested as per ADA requirements.
**STUDENTS: If you are concerned or unsure of how to address any particular issue in your internship, meet with the Career Development Coordinator and/or Internship Coordinator to explore options and possible approaches.
Internship Assignment Performance
Performance of Assigned Duties: It is important to know that as a student intern you are expected to perform your assigned duties to the best of your ability. If you are concerned about any assigned duties, please speak with your Career Development Coordinator or the Coordinator of Internships as soon as possible. If you need to request additional assistance from your program of study to assist you in learning and performing program-specific skills, please speak with your Career Development Coordinator.
**Note: Interns should address any performance concerns early! Career Development Coordinator and/or the Internship Coordinator will attempt to assist you and the placement site supervisor in working through performance issues when requested, but essentially it is your responsibility to achieve success and respond to challenging situations with the appropriate attitude and positive response. An inability to satisfactorily perform the agreed upon duties or a breach in internship site policy could result in termination of the internship.
Professionalism: Professionalism is a quality that we wish all CCS CTE interns to demonstrate. It refers to the quality of the work provided by the intern. It involves being reliable and dependable, communicating respectfully and courteously at all times, displaying the desired skill sets, yet being willing to learn on the job, being accountable for one’s work and willing to correct mistakes. Professionalism can mean different things in different places, and though it is not always defined for you explicitly, it is expected of you!
Safeguards and the Law
Legal Safeguards and Guidelines: Internships are governed under the U.S. Department of Labor. State of North Carolina DOL guidelines will also apply. This status assures that as an intern you will be treated equitably and fairly under the law. Note: as an intern, you function in an “entry- level” position, and you may not always “like” your job duties. However, if you feel that you are being taken advantage of unfairly, please discuss these concerns with your Supervisor, Career Development Coordinator, and Internship Coordinator
Legal Liability: Depending on the setting, interns may be exposed to highly sensitive information. It is critical you understand and adhere to the policies and legal-liability guidelines related to your placement site and activities. You are responsible for knowing and complying with any policies and guidelines that govern your assignments at an internship site and for upholding them. Likewise, if you are concerned about the activities of others that you have witnessed directly, you should bring those concerns to the attention of your supervisor as your presence during such conduct or actions can make you liable as a passive bystander. Please note that ignorance of the law does not presume innocence, nor is it a viable defense.
**Note: Any evidence of legal misconduct will not be tolerated. Consequences may include, but not be limited to, termination of the internship and an incomplete grade for the course. Depending on the severity of the issue, further legal actions could apply.
Safety: Every attempt to assure that an internship site maintains a safe work environment as required by law will be made. Similarly, students should make every attempt to become familiar with and comply with site-specific safety standards and policies while on an internship. Safety measures may include things such as, but not limited to: wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), being trained on the proper use of equipment prior to using it, completing Blood Borne Pathogen training, or learning appropriate ways to safely manage a combative patient. You should work closely with supervisors to assure you are properly prepared to safely conduct any internship tasks that could pose a risk to your health, safety, or well-being.
Additionally, although personal safety is an individual responsibility, you are urged to communicate with the supervisor, Career Development Coordinator, and/or the Coordinator of Internships if you have concerns.
Harassment: It is often said, but not always true, that we teach others how to treat us through our own behavior. Assure that your behavior leaves no confusion about the fact that you are a professional in training. Even so, unlawful harassment is a form of discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and should not be tolerated. To do your part, always treat your co-workers, including other interns, clients, vendors, and others encountered on the job politely and professionally. Unwelcome, uninvited behavior with sexual, racial, or ethnic overtones occurring in the work place is unlawful harassment and it is illegal; alert your supervisor if you feel victimized by such behavior.
If your supervisor is not responsive to your concerns or you are unsure how to respond to a situation in which you feel harassed as a result of sex, race, age, disability, or other legally protected characteristics, please contact the Internship Coordinator and you Career Development Coordinator.