Work-Based Learning

What is an internship?
Internships are a great way to gain valuable work-based experience in your chosen career field before graduating high school!
An internship provides a hands-on learning opportunity within a real-world work environment that correlates with a student's chosen CTE pathway. Students must be at least 16 years old and have taken a level II CTE class or be taking it concurrently with an internship (in other words, in the same semester)
Students are working on the job under the direct supervision of a business mentor. Internships can help narrow down career choices, solidify career plans, or even lead to a job opportunity after the internship period has ended!
An internship could be paid or unpaid depending on the company and field and successful completion of an internship is worth 1 (one) credit towards graduation. Students must obtain at least 135 working hours and submit required classwork to earn the credit. A final grade will be assigned that will show on a student's transcript and calculate in the GPA.
An Internship requires a high commitment level on the part of the student. While interns can still participate in sports, clubs, and/or have another part-time job, it is imperative that student's have time during the week to obtain a minimum of 8-10 hours per week at their internship.
Interns will have the support of Mrs. Cortney Doster, Work-Based Learning/Internship Coordinator and their Career Development Coordinator during the entire internship experience. We want to maintain a close partnership through open communication throughout the experience in order to assure success for both the student and the placement site.
*In cases where the internship involves a liability, age restriction or licensure requirement, the placement will be handled as a job shadowing.
For a complete overview of the Internship Program, please watch the Spring Internship Orientation Video linked here.